Flowsheet Guide
The information on this sheet is NOT representative of an actual patient but representative of the kind of information we routinely collect and the methods we use to record information on and the therapies administered to hyperthyroid cats while they are hospitalized for radioiodine therapy.

Key: Numerous line items (i.e., #7, 8, and 11-15 in this example) are recorded using a semi objective scale which progresses from none (-), to a little (+), to a moderate amount (++) to a lot (+++).

  1. General Information: Information mostly used internally.
  2. Patient Information: Information regarding the pet including any critical information (e.g.; Diabetic) and the admission weight (in kilograms) for this pet.
  3. Client Information: Client contact information.
  4. Problem list: Includes reason for hospitalization and general instructions to animal care providers.
  5. Attitude: A subjective assessment of the pet’s attitude summarized as BAR (Bright, Alert and Responsive), QAR (Quiet, Alert and Responsive), Sedate, Sleeping, etc.
  6. Weight: Body weight in kilograms
  7. Appetite (wet) overnight: Semi-objective assessment of the consumption of wet food overnight.
  8. Appetite (dry) overnight: Semi-objective assessment of the consumption of dry food overnight.
  9. Diet (wet): Canned food offered to the pet. The camera icon Smiley face indicates that we have taken a picture of the can of food used to feed the cat. (Unfortunately these pictures are not visible to clients.)
  10. Diet (dry): Dry food offered to the pet. Current options include “Client provided” and “Hospital variety”.
  11. Appetite (wet) daytime: Semi-objective assessment of the consumption of wet food during the day.
  12. Appetite (dry) daytime: Semi-objective assessment of the consumption of dry food during the day.
  13. Vomiting: Semi-objective assessment of patient vomiting.
  14. Urination: Semi-objective assessment of patient urination.
  15. Defecation: Semi-objective assessment of patient defecation.
  16. Hospitalization: Indication of pet’s hospitalization overnight.
  17. Medications: Medications that begin with the characters “O-” are medications that have been prescribed by the referring veterinarian and provided by the owner for administration during the pet’s hospitalization.
  18. Medications: Medications that have been prescribed by Dr. Broome during the pet’s hospitalization for radioiodine therapy.
  19. I-131: Records date, time and dose of radioiodine therapy.
  20. Staff: Initials of the staff member that recorded the information into the flow sheet.
  21. SQ fluids dose: Hyperthyroid cats undergoing radioiodine therapy are routinely administered subcutaneous fluids during their hospitalization. This line records the details of the fluids type, dose and the date and time of administration.