We want the clients referred to AVMI for diagnostic imaging procedures to know what to expect. In general the referral process is expected to proceed as follows:
  • The referring veterinarian sees the patient and refers the client to AVMI for a diagnostic imaging procedure.
  • Ideally, the referring veterinarian provides the client with a completed AVMI request form and copies of the supportive patient medical records.
  • The client calls AVMI to schedule an appointment for the diagnostic imaging procedure.
  • AVMI creates a digital medical record for the client and patient to which copies of the previous medical records information can be attached.
The following information should help ensure that both you and your pet are prepared for your procedure.

Diagnostic Imaging Procedure Request Form

A copy of our diagnostic imaging procedure request form that has been completed by your referring veterinarian is the best way to ensure that we perform the exact imaging procedure that your referring veterinarian needs. If your veterinarian has given you a copy of our request form, please bring it with you to your appointment. If your veterinarian has not provided you with a completed copy of our request form, we will fax your referring veterinarian's office a copy of a partially completed diagnostic imaging procedure request form for them to complete and fax back to us. 

Food and water

Many of the procedures we perform require the use of general anesthesia. Patients scheduled for CT, MRI and bone scintigraphy should have food and water withheld for 12 hours before their appointment to accommodate the use of the brief periods of anesthesia required for these procedures. 


In general patients referred for diagnostic imaging procedures should continue to receive any and all of the medications prescribed by their referring veterinarian. Occasionally certain medications should be discontinued. Please check with your referring veterinarian or contact us if your pet is taking a medication and you are uncertain if it should be discontinued prior to your appointment. 

Duration of procedure

Both CT and MRI procedures require a brief, 3-4 hour hospitalization to allow for the time needed to prepare the patient, perform the procedure and recover from the anesthesia needed to perform the procedure. Please plan accordingly. All nuclear medicine procedures including bone, portal (liver), renal (kidney) and thyroid scans require the patient to spend a minimum of 6 hours with us to accommodate decay of the radionuclide used to perform the procedure. 

Important Information

For more information on additional ways to ensure your pet is eating healthy, please click on the icon to see the latest pet food recalls.