Morandi F, Cole RC, Tobias KM, et al.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2005;46:153-161.
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous trans-splenic portal scintigraphy (TSPS) using 99mTcO has been used to image the portal venous system in normal dogs. Compared with per-rectal portal scintigraphy, it provides higher count density, consistent nuclear venograms of the splenic and portal vein, and significantly decreased radiation exposures. This paper describes the use of TSPS for the diagnosis of portosystemic shunts in 28 dogs. TSPS was performed injecting 70±28†MBq of 99mTcO (mean±SD) into the splenic parenchyma with ultrasound guidance. A dynamic acquisition at a frame rate of four frames/s for 5†min was initiated after placement of the needle and approximately 2†s prior to injection. All dogs had diagnoses confirmed via exploratory laparotomy or ultrasonographic identification of the shunting vessel(s). Three studies (10.7%) were nondiagnostic because of intraperitoneal rather than intrasplenic injection of the radionuclide. Three pathways were recognized on the scintigraphic images: (1) portoazygos shunts2014the 99mTcO bolus traveled dorsally, running parallel to the spine and entering the heart craniodorsally; (2) single portocaval or splenocaval shunts2014the 99mTcO bolus ran from the area of the portal vein/splenic vein junction in a linear fashion toward the caudal vena cava entering the heart caudally; (3) internal thoracic shunt2014the 99mTcO bolus traveled ventrally along the thorax and abdomen entering the cranial aspect of the heart. Single and multiple shunts were easily distinguished. There were no distinguishing features between single intra and extrahepatic portocaval shunts.