Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2006;47:254-259.
Three case history reports are presented to illustrate the value of the single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence for assessment of the subarachnoid space. The use of the single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence, which is a heavily T2-weighted sequence, allows for a rapid, noninvasive evaluation of the subarachnoid space by using the high signal from cerebrospinal fluid. This sequence can be completed in seconds rather than the several minutes required for a T2-fast spin-echo sequence. Unlike the standard T2-fast spin-echo sequence, a single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence also provides qualitative information about the protein and the cellular content of the cerebrospinal fluid, such as in patients with inflammatory debris or hemorrhage in the cerebrospinal fluid. Although the resolution of the single-shot turbo spin-echo pulse sequence images is relatively poor compared with more conventional sequences, the qualitative information about the subarachnoid space and cerebrospinal fluid and the rapid acquisition time, make it a useful sequence to include in standard protocols of spinal magnetic resonance imaging.