Seiler GS, Robertson ID, Mai W, et al.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2012;53:157-161.
Single-shot turbo spin-echo sequences are heavily T2-weighted sequences that are exceptionally well suited to evaluate the subarachnoid space. In the T2-weighted fast spin-echo sequences that are used routinely in spinal magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, the subarachnoid space is not well differentiated from the surrounding epidural fat, which could lead to decreased detection of lesions of the subarachnoid space such as arachnoid diverticula. Our purpose was to determine the added value of a single-shot turbo spin-echo sequence in identifying cystic lesions of the subarachnoid space in dogs. MR images of six dogs with a confirmed arachnoid diverticulum and 24 dogs with other spinal disease were included. Six observers were asked to interpret only T2-weighted images initially, and in a second session, T2-weighted and half-Fourier acquisition single-shot turbo spin-echo (HASTE) sequences. The MR images were anonymized, and no signalment, history, or clinical information was provided. Without the HASTE sequences, 25% of arachnoid diverticula were identified. Adding the HASTE sequence increased the diagnosis of arachnoid diverticulum to 52.8%. The resulting difference, after adding the HASTE sequence, of 27.8% was statistically significant (P = 0.002). No false-positive diagnoses of arachnoid diverticulum were made with either sequence. Although sensitivity in this study was likely artificially low, the significantly increased detection rate of arachnoid diverticula when using HASTE imaging indicates that this sequence is a valuable addition to MR imaging protocols for the canine spine.