Magnetic resonance diagnosis: cavernous sinus syndrome in a dog

Fransson B, Kippenes H, Silver GE, et al.

Vet Radiol Ultrasound 2000;41:536-538.


Owners had noticed non-progressive lethargy, weakness and inappetence of 7 days duration, and dilation of the right pupil for 6 days.

Neurologic Exam

The dog was depressed but responsive. There was mono- paresis of the left hind limb. The spinal reflexes were nor- mal in all four limbs. There was ptosis of the right eyelid, mydriasis and a lack of direct and consensual pupillary light response in the right eye. The left eye was normal. Menace and palpabral responses were intact in both eyes. Ventro- lateral strabismus and decreased oculovestibular movement response were seen in the right eye. The fundus exam was normal. Corneal sensation was normal but retraction of the right globe was decreased.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The dog was imaged in sternal recumbency with a 1.0 Tesla MR scanner,* utilizing a quadrature coil designed for human knee imaging. Transverse images were obtained through the entire brain with proton density weighting (PD- W), T2-W and TI-W. Gadolinium-based (Gd-DTPA) con- trast medium? (0.1 mmollkg) was administered intrave- nously, and transverse and sagittal TI-W images were ob- tained. A venogram was also performed using a 2-D time of flight technique.