Lawson CM, Reichle JK, McKlveen T, et al.
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound 2011;52:487-491.
The radiographic and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings for four dogs with herniation of the Cd1–Cd2 intervertebral disc are described. All dogs were 7 years of age at the time of presentation, with one neutered male and three neutered females. Breeds included one Beagle, one Bassett hound, and two large, mixed breed dogs. All dogs had tail pain on manipulation, two had pain during defecation, and two maintained an abnormal tail position. Three dogs had radiographs in which mineralization within the disc space was apparent. Two of these dogs also had mineralization within the vertebral canal. Three dogs underwent MRI, which was characterized by varying degrees of disc herniation and nerve root compression at Cd1–Cd2. Mobility may be a factor predisposing to disc herniation in the cranial aspect of the caudal spine. We documented that caudal disc herniation does occur occasionally in dogs and that radiography and MRI may be used to identify this disease. Caudal intervertebral disc herniation should be considered as a differential for dogs with caudal vertebral pain, pain with tail manipulation, pain during defecation, or abnormal tail carriage.