Kim YW, Kim HJ, Choi SH, et al.
PURPOSE: Hemorrhage is a finding of clinical fat embolism syndrome. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the occurrence of hemorrhage in the cat brain by SW MR imaging after infusion of triolein as a bolus or as an emulsion into the carotid artery. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-two cats were divided into two groups according to the type of triolein infused: group 1 (n = 11) was infused with a 0.1 ml triolein bolus, group 2 (n = 11) with triolein emulsion containing 0.1 ml triolein in 20 ml saline. SW imaging was performed before and after triolein infusion (at 2 h, 1 and 4 days). After MR imaging on day 4, cats were sacrificed and brains were immediately excised. Hemorrhage was evaluated using H&E staining. RESULTS: Hemorrhage was observed in eight cats in group 1, in no cats in group 2. Hemorrhage on SW images was found to correspond with light microscopy. CONCLUSIONS: SW images revealed hemorrhage in lesion hemispheres infused with triolein bolus. However, there was no evidence of hemorrhage infused with emulsified triolein. Thus, the occurrence of hemorrhage in cerebral fat embolism may depend on fat status.