Caudal fossa respiratory epithelial cyst in a dog: clinical, magnetic resonance imaging, and histopathologic findings

Molin J, Rentmeister K, Matiasek K. 

J Vet Intern Med 2014;28:1336-1340.

An 11-month-old female Bloodhound was presented because of progressive ataxia and head swaying with insidious onset 2 weeks before admission. On neurologic examination, the dog was bright, alert, and responsive, but showed involuntary swaying of the head to both sides and a mild head tilt to the left. Gait inspection disclosed mild ataxia. Paw placing responses were delayed in all 4 limbs. Segmental spinal reflexes and skin sensation were normal. Cranial nerve exami- nation identified left-sided ventrolateral strabismus. Nystagmus was not seen. All other cranial nerve func- tions were normal. Based on the clinical findings, bilat- eral central vestibular disease was suspected. Hematology and serum biochemistry findings were within normal reference ranges.

For magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the dog was premedicated with diazepam (0.5 mg/kg IV) and alfaxolone (2 mg/kg IV). Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane. MRI was performed at the MRBa using a 1.5 Tesla Siemens Magnetom Avanto and 2 purpose-built CPC coils.