Thyroid Nodules, Bumps, & Lumps: When Is Medical Therapy a Useful Option?

Peterson M.E. and Broome M.R.

Conference Proceedings, (2010). American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Anaheim: p.627-629


Since hyperthyroidism was first reported 31 years ago, the prevalence of thyroidal nodules and the associated hyperthyroid state has been detected at an increasing frequency, with a prevalence now estimated to be as high as 2% of cats in general practice. Histopathology of affected thyroids usually reveals thyroid hyperplasia or benign thyroid adenoma (4); however, in a small percentage of cats (especially those with long-standing hyperthyroidism management with antithyroid drugs), thyroid adenocarcinoma is diagnosed (5). The time course of the progrand then to thyroid carcinoma is not known.