Feline Hyperthyroidism: Potential Relationship with Iodine Supplement Requirements of Commercial Cat Foods

Edinboro C.H., Scott-Moncrieff J.C. and Glickman L.T.

J Feline Med Surg, 2010. 12(9): p.672-9.


ARTICLE RATIONALE: Since the late 1970s, there has been a significant increase in the prevalence of feline hyperthyroidism (FH). It is now recognized worldwide as the most common endocrinopathy of older cats, resembling toxic nodular goiter of older humans in iodine-deficient areas. The purpose of this article is to identify the potential for iodine concentrations in the diet to contribute to the etiology of FH. HISTORICAL CONTEXT: Iodine concentrations of commercial cat foods vary widely. A review of historical iodine recommendations revealed that the units of iodine supplementation changed in the 1970s. Given this change, foods minimally supplemented since the late 1970s would have been iodine deficient for most cats. PRACTICAL RELEVANCE: Iodine supplementation of commercial cat foods should be evaluated in the light of the iodine recommendations revised in 2006. Foods may remain deficient in iodine if supplemented at the minimum recommended concentration, possibly contributing to the development of FH.