Comparison of Plasma Clearance of Exogenous Creatinine, Exo-Iohexol, and Endo-Iohexol over a Range of Glomerular Filtration Rates Expected in Cats

Van Hoek I.M., Lefebvre H.P., Paepe D., et al.

J Feline Med Surg, 2009. 11: p.1028-1030.


The study investigated plasma clearance of exogenous creatinine (PECCT), exo-iohexol (PexICT) and endo-iohexol (PenICT) in six healthy cats, four cats with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and six hyperthyroid (HT) cats to assess potential differences in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) measurement over a wide range of GFR values. The PECCT, PexICT and PenICT were performed in a combined protocol. There was a significant difference between PexICT and PenICT and PECCT in healthy cats. Differences between clearance techniques are suggested to be correlated to range in GFRs and should be taken into account when GFR is measured.