Thanks for visiting our iCat support page. The contents of this page are designed to assist you with overcoming whatever obstacles that might interfere with the correct function of your cat's personal iCat web cam.
PLEASE NOTE: iCat public viewing hours are between 8 AM and 8 PM, 7 days a week. Rest assured the web cams are live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to supplement our ability to oversee your cat's hospitalization. However, if you are attempting to view your cat's iCat web cam after 8 PM you will see the following text in place of the web cam image.
Viewing hours
Hyperthyroid cat viewing hours are between 8 AM and 8 PM. It's lights out at 8 PM to ensure our patients get all the rest they need.
If you are seeing this message during the normal operating hours (8 AM to 8 PM) of the AVMI iCat webcams you may need to enable JavaScript in your web browser.
Click on the iCat Web Cam support link below for assistance.
JavaScript Test
Stream limitation alert
Note: iCat webcams are limited to 2 concurrent streams. If you are having trouble with your iCat webcam display, and your JavaScript is enabled on your web browser, make sure that you have not shared your stream with others that may unintentionally be blocking your access.
iCat webcams at work
If you still can not view your cats iCat web cam after enabling JavaScript and you are at work, your employer may have taken steps to limit internet access to video content. In that case, you can still use an internet enabled smart phone like an iPhone.